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Keyboard Action
Up Moves the cursor to the previous node sibling.
Down Moves the cursor to the next node sibling.
Right Expands the current node.
Left Collapses the current node.
Num * Expands the current node and all its descendants recursively.
Num + Same as Right.
Num - Same as Left.


Keyboard Action
Enter Edits the current node. Use Esc to cancel out of editing without persisting changes.
Del Removes the current node and all its descendants recursively.
Cmd+Up Prepends a sibling to the current node.
Cmd+Down Appends a sibling to the current node.
Cmd+Right Appends a child to the current node.
Cmd+Option+Up Moves the current node before its previous sibling.
Cmd+Option+Down Moves the current node after its next sibling.
F2 Same as Enter.

Tree Edit inherits all of the QTreeView key bindings.


Mouse Action
Left Button Edits the current tree node. Use Esc to cancel out of editing without persisting changes.